Branch committee and dep reps

Elected Members of Essex UCU

Committee Members and Officers of the branch

Officers and other members of the local committee are Essex UCU members elected annually at the branch AGM by the branch membership as a whole. These are voluntary roles although some receive time off from work (facility time). Legally H&S reps and Union Learning reps receive time off for their roles. The committee meet regularly to discuss issues pertinent to local members and decide branch strategy.

The current committee is listed below. Nominations for each academic year open in Spring and are announced at the AGM in June.

However once the new committee is announced, 4 new members can be co-opted on to join throughout the academic year. Please get involved and consider taking up a role in your branch. Having a committee made up of members from across our branch is essential for our democracy and efficacy and the role is rewarding in its own right. If you require more information please contact, or any member of our current committee.

See our branch rules for more information.

Essex UCU committee + other key contacts 2024-2025:

Co-Presidents Jordan Osserman
Dave Rush
Lorcan Whitehead
Treasurer Billy Woods
Membership and Recruitment Officer Callum Cant
Secretary –vacant–
Anti-Casualisation Officer –vacant–
Environmental Officer –vacant–
Health and Safety Rep (+ ordinary member) Cara Booker
Casework Coordinator (+ ordinary member) Nicole Baerg
PGR Rep (+ ordinary member) Ronja Heymann
Pensions Rep (+ ordinary member) Tom Cornford
Ordinary members Sharon Bolton
Jayne Hannah
Lynne Jordan
Draško Kašćelan
Nina Markl
Alex Nicholas
Felicity Szesnat
Dave Watson
Ex-officio (former president + HEC member) Jak Peake
Regional Officer Michael Kyriacou
Branch Manager Kester Richardson-Dawes

Congress Representatives

Congress representatives (tbc) are elected annually or via general meetings, and represent Essex UCU at meetings of National Congress and the Higher Education Sector Conference (HESC).

Departmental Representatives

Departmental representatives (dep reps) are the first point of contact between the department and the union. If your department (or section, group, campus…) is not represented in the list below, please contact Kester Richardson-Dawes.

Dep reps will be approved at each annual AGM as per the list below on that date.

Department Representative
Academic Section Lynne Jordan
Dave Rush (Skills for Success)
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) Javier Andreu-Perez
Communications and external relations –vacant–
Economics –vacant–
Edge Hotel School Jenny Kaye
Essex Business School (EBS) Nicholas Beuret (M&M)
Alex Nicholas
Nick Rowe
Rebecca Warren
Dave Watson
Luciana Zorzoli
Government Nicole Baerg
Health and Social Care Draško Kašćelan
Konstantinos Roussos
ZhiMin Xiao
HR Samer Gharib
ISER –vacant–
Pathways Essex Billy Woods
Language and Linguistics Nina Markl
Charles Redmon
Law Tom Cornford
Ebba Lekvall
Life Sciences Nelson Fernandez
Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies (LiFTS) Holly Pester
Mathematics Georgi Grahovski
Philosophical Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies (PHAIS) Lorna Finlayson (SPAH)
Physics Centre Martin Reed (CSEE)
Planning Office –vacant–
Psychology Elia Valentini
Research & Enterprise Office (REO) –vacant–
Sociology Michael Bailey
Southend Campus –vacant–
SRES Brandon Shaw
Ina Shaw
UK Data Archive Sharon Bolton

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