National UCU President to attend branch GM plus open meeting on 7 Nov 2017

Essex UCU General Meeting & Open Meeting 7 Nov 2017

We will hold the General Meeting on Tuesday 7th November from 1-2pm in room NTC 1.03 within the North Teaching Centre (opposite the Tawney accommodation tower) at the Colchester campus. We are delighted that national UCU President Joanna De Groot will address this meeting. Topics on the agenda will include a USS pension update, gender pay, privatisation and casualisation.

Any motions for this General Meeting to be sent to the Secretary to arrive by 5pm on Wednesday 1st November. An email will be sent to all members on Thursday 2nd November with details of all motions received by the deadline.
Any amendments to these motions must be sent to the Secretary by 5pm Friday 3rd November. A full agenda for the GM will be sent to all members on Monday 6th November.

Then we intend to immediately follow the GM with an Open Meeting. Joanna will stay, committee members will be present and there will be an opportunity for any university staff member to come and join us for an informal discussion about the GM business or any aspect of union activities. We’re trying to make this a more “approachable” hour following the formalities of the GM. Please pass this message along to your colleagues and do assure them that anybody can come, ask any question and just find out more about us. All welcome from 2.15pm -3.15pm (still in NTC 1.03). Tea, coffee & cake will be available within this hour.

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