*Still space on webinars below (as at 12.6.2020)*
Essex UCU are holding an interactive webinar entitled Taking Care of Yourself for all staff at grade 7+ at Essex University. The webinar will look at how you can protect your own mental health during this unprecedented time; what support UCU can provide and how you can play your part in helping your colleagues get through it. The webinar is free and is open to all staff whether or not you are a member of UCU.
Taking Care of Yourself will be delivered via zoom on Wednesday 17th June. As I expect demand to be high there will be 3 sessions, starting at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 3pm.
The full aims of the interactive webinar are to:
- Understand why it is important to look after your health and well-being at this time
- Identify some of the challenges you face while working in isolation
- Develop strategies to support your mental and physical health
- Identify support available from UCU.
How it will work
The session will last for about 45 minutes plus around 15 minutes for questions and answers with the webinar tutors. There will then be an opportunity to raise issues prompted by the webinar with a member of UCU staff, which should take another 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore the total time commitment will be less than an hour and a half.
The webinar will be topical, helpful and a springboard to initiate discussion around what we need to support us through this health crisis, both personally and at an institutional level.
The session will be led by experienced UCU CPD tutors.
You will need to find a quiet space, away from distractions (like telephone and email!), and you may prefer to use headphones for the session. I would also recommend that you check that you can use zoom before the session if you are unfamiliar with it.
How to apply:
Click here to book a place on the 10.30 webinar
Click here to book a place on the 12.30 webinar
Click here to book a place on the 15.00 webinar
*If you are not a member of UCU or you are a member but cannot find your membership number please just leave the membership number details blank on the booking form. *
I do need to emphasise that if you do say that you want to be involved, please see that as a commitment as we need a full complement on the day.
You will then be sent a meeting number and password for the webinar using zoom, and a short video to watch before the webinar. You will be able to join the session from about 10 minutes before the stated start time. I would also recommend that you do join 5 to 10 minutes early as you will need to be admitted to the session, and of course there can be technical problems.
If you have any questions please email Glen Pickard from UCU’s national team– gpickard@ucu.org.uk