(posted Tue Aug 25, 2020)
Dear Essex UCU members on FTC contracts incl GTA and GLA members,
All Essex UCU members have just been emailed about a legal briefing that Jo Seery, an employment solicitor at Thompsons Solicitors (www.thompsons.law), will be giving this coming Thursday 27th August at 11am-12.30pm.
Jo will be explaining about the legal position with FTC at Essex including the GTA contract and possible claims people may have and what evidence they’d need to produce to take a claim if their contracts have not been renewed.
If people have questions it would be helpful if they could send them in advance to ucu@essex.ac.uk but she will try to answer queries at the end of the briefing, time allowing.
Search for your email today (25 Aug) from lcollins@essex.ac.uk for your Zoom invitation link to this brieifing or email Lorraine Collins to attend.