GM/strike meeting tomorrow/Fri 2 March 2018

Dear Essex UCU members,
Please come to your termly General Meeting of the Essex UCU branch to be held tomorrow, Friday 2 March 2018 (non-strike day) at 12pm till 1pm, in 2N2.4.16, SSRC building, at the Colchester campus.

The agenda will be:

  1. Welcome & apologies
  2. President’s report
  3. There were no motions put forward for submitting to national Congress. However we have accepted this motion for the branch:

“International Women’s Day motion : The University of Essex branch of UCU deplores the gendered and racialised pay gap in Higher Education and recognises that this pay gap feeds into pension inequality in retirement. In recognition of International Women’s Day, UCU Essex branch will designate the March 8 USS strike day as a day in which issues that affect women and non-binary people, especially people of colour, will be highlighted. In addition, the University of Essex branch of UCU will make their strike action on 8 March focused on issues of gender and HE, and join the actions of the Women’s Strike on International Women’s Day in order to bring together staff and students around these issues”

Submitted by Nicholas Beuret

  1. Industrial action update:  update and discussion on how to proceed/ what has worked & what might be better
  2. AOB (please alert us to any items at the beginning of the meeting so we don’t run out of time to raise)

If there were any comments or amendments to the motion, please send them to as soon as possible, else this can be amended in tomorrow’s meeting.

PLEASE NOTE: if the weather deteriorates again, we may postpone this meeting. Please only travel in if it is safe to do so. I’ll email tomorrow morning if the meeting will not go ahead and put an update on twitter @UCUEssex /branch website

Please come along and support Essex UCU.
Paul Siddall, Essex UCU Branch Secretary

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